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Let It Be

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Khandro | 21:55 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Religion & Spirituality
30 Answers

When Paul McCartney sang,

When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Who was 'Mother Mary', his mother, or the Virgin Mary ?



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Then maybe you should "let it be"
07:40 Sat 10th Aug 2024

You took the time to write all that, Old_Geezer?

Yet couldn't be bothered to watch the youtube video where @ 5:15 you could have heard it straight from the horse's mouth.

Wasn't interested in the horse's mouth. I was stating how I came to my conclusion.

I was not brought up a Catholic, but my mother had great respect for one of the nuns in the local convent who taught music, and I was sent to her to learn to play the piano.  

This nun would speak prayers while I was practicing scales, and would tell me uplifting stories about " The Holy Mother"  or "Mary, Mother of God" or "Holy Mary, Mother of God". 

This was in Northern Ireland, in the fifties.  

Any child in that era, Catholic or not, could have been influenced by such references to religious figures. 

Some say it's from the other end of the horse, religiously speaking.

I have noticed that a lot of Protestant denominations have issues with Mary. She is not divine so should not be worshipped, but giving birth to Jesus doesn't make her a minor player either

The mother of Jesus

God Bless you al and 

good luck.

but giving birth to Jesus doesn't make her a minor player either

HI fivey ! at least you have read the Bible. Romans will happily pray to Saints who are deffo not divine. Called intercessionary prayer. No-no in the Anglican Church

BUT someone mentioned the muvva of Jesus. How did The Virgin ( original sin , no baptism geddit?) carry the  divine little baby jesus around for 9 months ? Surely she must have been without sin herself? - = immaculate conception ( NO not virgin birth, everyone believes THAT you damned atheists ! )

god that will get the mods seething

Some say Mary was not a little lamb.

A story as old as time.

Once or twice for Mothering Sunday Services we've sung 'Let it be'.  Everyone always enjoys it, no-one seems too worried about whichever Mary is represented. 'Mother' is the important word then.

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You're in a sinking boat with your lover and your mother, you can only save one of them, who do you save your lover or your mother ?

answer: You save your mother.

Why ?

answer:  You can always get another lover, but you can never get another mother. 😃 

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