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For God So Loved The World

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nailedit | 21:02 Thu 13th Jun 2024 | Religion & Spirituality
16 Answers

that he created an eternal destination of unimaginable pain and suffering forever and without end for those that couldnt moraly accept such a concept!



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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

It's good to see that you're back on form again!

Utter twaddle!

I have no desire for everlasting life.

I am struggling enough with life as it is.  Death will bring peace.

Nailit, I hope you are in a better place mentally. 💜

Are you okay, Buenchico?

Well said, Buenchico 👍

Both first statements are equally imaginary.


Each individual existsand may as well make the most of it (within moral and ethical standards) as they can. It will have its 'ups' & 'downs'.

If he does exist I'd see him as a malicious prankster.  

A bit like a child tearing the wings off flies for fun.

Nobody has to go to Hell, God has provided a way out!

Repent of your sins, and believe in Jesus Christ and you can be forgiven and enjoy everlasting fellowship with God

God's abysmal record on love and compassion speaks for itself.  The very idea is sick.  Just as well it's superstitious nonsense.  

Pull yourself together man, you did it once you can do it again. The state has done what it can for you so now it's up to you. I know it's tough but no one but you can crack it.

TTT, telling people who are unwell to pull themselves together isn't helpful.  If they could pull themselves together they would.  Kindness and compassion cost nothing. 

Fiveleaves  - Your platitudes are wasted on a confirmed atheist like Naildit, and apart from your fellow fervents, anyone else on here.

We have no idea how serious our sin is to God. Also we have no idea how much we are loved by God

Andy- If that is the case, then what was the point of Nailit creating the thread. This site is called Answerbank which suggest to me at least, that a person starting a thread might reasonably be expecting some answers

Do you know what your sin is, fiveleaves?  What have you done? 

Fiveleaves - Naildit may be looking for answers, but as advised many times, he has looked to God, and God failed him.

So no change there. 

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