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Should Boxing, As A Sport, Be Banned?

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naomi24 | 11:57 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
28 Answers

Khandro said elsewhere //The great Henry Cooper ran a boxing club for youngsters in the East End & he said, say what you like about boxing, but none of these lads are to be found on the streets mugging old ladies. //


Kids who play football or do gymnastics aren't to be found on the streets mugging old ladies either so that's not valid a defence specific to a sport that has opponents bashing seven bells out of one another.


So, is it brutal, is it barbaric, and should it be banned?



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I dislike boxing intensly and hate to see women doing it.  It strikes me as both brutal and barbaric.  However, I was about to make the same point that Khandro did.

I can vouch from experience that it can be a means by which violent children can learn to control and direct their aggression, however.  I'm thinking of one lad in particular who would definitely have 'gone very bad' without it, so I swallow my dislike and will not call for it to be banned.

Banning it will just drive it underground and unregulated.

It is a very violent sport and I feel today there is enough violence in the world without contributing to it, perhaps it's time to stop.


In answer to the OP, yes, it should be banned. 

I don't know why the first answer was removed but it seems to me that people enjoy teaching youngsters how to knock each others brains out, and then try to justify it by saying it keeps them off the streets. So knock each other senseless in the gym then, rather than outside.

And as for UFC, I believe that if the ref didn't dive in and stop the fights, the fighter would carry on beating the life out of their opponent until they were literally dead. I firmly believe that.

Also Manchester City Council tripped themselves up in 2002 when they realized they would have to stage the boxing tournament as part of the Commonwealth Games calender. Boxing is something that MCC are very much opposed to.

It's underground now. There's plenty of videos on YT of unlicensed boxing. I once went to a bare knuckle tournament in Salford. It'll always be there but won't get the publicity that it gets now.

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//I don't know why the first answer was removed//


I posted in the wrong thread so removed it.

No, I'm in favour of boxing, it instills self-discipline, self control and is excellent exercise.

Surprisingly, I agree with Tora. Drive it underground by banning it and it becomes unregulated and way more dangerous. Our 'Enry was right. Boxing gives a lot of disillusioned young people an outlet for their aggression. Better to get them in the ring than in the dock.

Yes ban all contact sports , all sports involving animals, and athletics as it's a source of great anxiety to those of us who struggle to run for a bus. 

Given that there is a great potential for injury (through boxing), maybe they should investigate changing the glove material/size to reduce the impact force (larger soft foam-filled gloves).  Whilst a knockout punch would be much less likely, boxers would still score by landing punches on their opponent.

I can't see a problem, - it's all entirely voluntary. Personally I would prefer judo, but that's probably because I've practiced it and know something about it.

There are rules to boxing, judges score points; it isn't just a matter of slugging your opponent to pulp, but that's how it may look to you naomi. 🙂 

Pad them up like USA football players and wire them up like fencers so when contact is made it automatically scores 

Boxing or no boxing, old ladies ought not be mugged.


I'm loathe to support a ban even though I can see why some call for it. Much better that folk get educated not to want to be violent and so voluntarily don't get involved.

I am passionately against cruel sports where animals are terrorised and killed for entertainment.

However much as I find boxing distasteful, those involved get into the ring out of choice so i don't support banning it.


Note though that one of the aims is a 'knock out'.

Anyone being knocked unconscious suffers a degree of brain damage. Not entertaining to me.

A "knock out" in boxing rarely renders the loser unconcious.

Blows to the head will cause some degree of brain trauma but all boxers know & accept the risk.

ps. Why in the OP "as a sport" - what other form of boxing is there?

hm - boxing kippers maybe...

^^ That made me laugh dave; I haven't heard it for years. My dad used to say, "Box? he couldn't box kippers." 😄

Davebro, do young kids entering the ring encouraged by adults "know and accept the risk"?

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