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Tracing People

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Mads | 23:52 Fri 14th Apr 2006 | People & Places
10 Answers

Can anyone advise me on how I could trace someone. Without going in to too much detail and expense.

The details I have are a name, an address (where they lived in 1994), a child's name, date and place of birth and that's about it.

From a child's birth certificate, would it be easy to obtain a copy of the parents birth certificates if you don't know their date of birth?

Here's hoping someone can advise me...




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You would need to have a rough idea on where the parents place of birth was just incase they had a common name, whereever they were born u can get their birth certificates from the local register office, but this is obviously not family history research and the registrar may ask for the puyrpose of the certified copies.
When my parents tried to trace my sis after a disagreement they found a reasonable service to find people on the internet
i used to trace people for a living if you want me to look in to it for your i can give you my email and will see what i can do

The Salvation Army does that, if it's family.

If you know which area they are in, it might be worth trying Good luck.x
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Hi all...many thanks for your responses to my posting.

Loopyc...I would be grateful if you could assist.

I'll await your e-mail address...

Thanks again


Try this site, it may help or get you to a site that may help, good luck!!!

hi mads email is [email protected]
I trace people for a living. I'm low-cost too. My website -

To be honest you're best hiring me or someone like me as to do the job properly will be expensive for you (unless you're lucky) and will take many many years to learn.

Try the phonebook online -


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