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Where Do I Get Tracksuit Trousers With No Drawstring Just Elasticated Waist

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gordiescotland1 | 10:12 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Shopping & Style
4 Answers

Hi there 

I have been trying without any success to get tracksuit bottoms without a drawstring at the front because they seriously annoy me. But I can't find them anywhere, I have 1 pair I bought years ago from a brand called Cedar Wood State but struggling to find a similar pair. 



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Google - Tracksuits with elastic waist.  There are quite a few to choose from.

I have often bought elasticated ones that also had drawstring and just cut it out.

Replace the string with elastic ?

Cedarwood State is a Primark "own-brand".

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Where Do I Get Tracksuit Trousers With No Drawstring Just Elasticated Waist

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