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Who On Here Is Knowledgeable About Push Wheelchairs?

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ladybirder | 17:51 Sat 16th Mar 2024 | Shopping & Style
35 Answers

I'm thinking there will be quite a few on here who will be familiar with wheelchairs (not electric) so would be interested in your views.

Mine will have to live in the boot of my car. I doubt I could fold it up myself (too heavy) but then the pusher will do that.

One thing concerns me.  I see the brake handles are on the handlebar.  Can anyone make out if for instance something happened to the pusher, fell over say or felt ill, would I have control of the brakes from my sitting position before it rolls away with me eeeek!!

This is the one I'm considering.





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As a long term wheelchair user, I would say firstly that's too cheap. The primary concern for YOU should be how comfy it is to travel in and that does not look too comfy to Me.  If you are going to be using it for very infrequent trips I guess its ok. The more you spend the easier it'll be to alter for the pusher to make it comfy for them too. More expensive will also mean...
21:34 Sat 16th Mar 2024

LB would you not be able to stop it with the wheels?

Its always best to view these sort of items, if you can. However aluminium ones are very light, so a good gamble if you cant get to see them.

Obviously not if you were going 30 mph down hill!

It looks like there is a hand grip on the wheel, would you be able to grab that?

Would there not also be brakes to which you could reach down (beside the wheels)?

Says this in the description.

Quality Construction, Dual Brake System.

If you're not sure, you could always contact the seller and ask what that means.

As it's self-propelled, there must be accessible brakes 😊

I can see the passenger operated brake on one of the photos.  

The fourth photo from the bottom, immediately above the close up of the spokes

To put your mind at rest, ask the seller

Is  there a mobility aids shop/showroom near you where you could view options or at least ask advice by phone

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Thank you all for your comments.  Very helpul.

I've decided to buy it but I'll sleep on it and if I feel the same tomorrow I shall do it.

It's really easy to contact the seller by email and it will set your mind at rest to know it will be what you are after.

Always liked that Grannie in a wheelchair on the Tv series Benidorm ,,can't think what her name was ????

Madge on the mobility scooter?

Barry 19,23  Just imagine Madge approaching you coming down hill at you 100 mph waving her walking stick at you "Terrifying"

I can imagine her language, too.

Before you buy it you need to sit in it. The seat needs to be the right size, the angle of the back needs to be correct. You need to be comfortable in it. Do you need an extra cushion, do the feet come off. Is the handle the right height for the pusher. Is there a basket, rain cover. Are your feet comfortable etc etc etc

As a long term wheelchair user, I would say firstly that's too cheap. The primary concern for YOU should be how comfy it is to travel in and that does not look too comfy to Me.  If you are going to be using it for very infrequent trips I guess its ok. The more you spend the easier it'll be to alter for the pusher to make it comfy for them too. More expensive will also mean lighter. I'm not suggesting you depend 1000 quid or even £500 but somewhere around 250 should get you something decent

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Calm thanks for your comment but I do not have that option.  I can send it back if it's not right.

Bednobs it will be used infrequently and for short periods.  I'm not expected to be around for too much longer, if I was I'd get a better one.

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