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Manilla Envelopes

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jadyn | 13:30 Thu 18th Jun 2020 | Shopping & Style
10 Answers
I need to buy online no more than about 100 manilla (brown) DL size envelopes that must have the opening flap on the short-end of the envelope.

I've looked online on business sellers websites and all I've found are envelopes that open on the long side of the envelope. Ebay began to look interesting until I looked at the images and once again, they all seem to open on the long side.

I'd prefer them not to be self-seal and without a window. The gsm of the envelope is immaterial as manilla envelopes tend to be thin anyway.

Thank you


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Have you tried Rymans? They look like they have openings on short end
More then you want and have self-seal but better than nothing User Recommendation
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Thanks calmck. Two of the three DL sized ones are shown with the flap on the long side. The third is not clear from the picture, but the description says the flap is on the "landscape side". I can't check in the Rymans shops as they're closed due the covid crisis!

Thanks for looking all the same.
I buy Blake envelopes via Amazon as Prudie has linked to, they have a huge range and are good quality.
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jollyroger66, the link doesn't show DL sized ones. The thumbnails all appear to show C4, C5 and DL sized manilla ones, where the flapon the DL is on the long side. C4 takes an A4 sheet unfolded; the C5 takes an A4 folded in half.
More than you need but,,, User Recommendation?ref_=s9_apbd_simh_hd_bw_bD1LPz&pf_rd_r=V9J4RH905X3EXR0Q9EQM&pf_rd_p=564b37fa-6f33-5a96-8e02-7d0ba5640c2f&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-11&pf_rd_t=BROWSE&pf_rd_i=192413031
See here: User Recommendation

Lower quantities are out of stock, you must buy at least 500. But 500 for £11.92 seems OK.
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Many thanks Prudie and Mamyalynne. They look good but quantity is the issue. Still, I may have to bite the bullet if they are the only source. I was hoping to buy a smaller quantity on Ebay as the rest would be sitting around at home for quite some time.

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Manilla Envelopes

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