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China Buying

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lindylou16 | 23:14 Wed 24th Jul 2019 | Shopping & Style
9 Answers
Hello I am thinking of buying a camera lens from China on e bay anyone had good or bad experiences of this? Thank you


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Had both good and bad experiences when buying from China. Would not buy anything other than cheap items.
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Good enough for me OF thank you
3 months to deliver IME.
check there feedback first..
Even with the reliable ones out of HK such as DigitalRev you have to factor in the fact that you probably will get clobbered for duty & VAT (plus handling fee) on arrival in the UK
Better to but it in this country lindylou. You have all the backup if you need it.
but it? buy it! duh!
I have bought items fron China via ebay but I never spend more than I would mind losing.
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Thank you all,seems like buying UK is the safest.

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