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Would It Be Possible To Freefall Down From The I S S ?

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ToraToraTora | 09:48 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Science
24 Answers

The story this week of the astronauts stranded in the ISS got me thinking about how they could get to earth in an emergency. ok so the ISS is around 17500mph and approx 250 miles high. So what if a space suit with a small booster and a parachute could slow that speed such that the astronaut drops into the atmosphere and parachutes down. My first objection was that they'd burn up because of the all be it reduced orbital speed still too high. So what if that speed could be reduced to something close to zero very quickly outside the atmosphere? No doubt NASA et al have consdidered this kind of thing.....Your thoughts please....



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That's from about a 5th the height and he's not going at 17500mph.


While I do not know, I expect it must be difficult to know when the ashes and dust that were once a human being, would touch the ground. But by all means, give it a go and see.

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yep 2 really intelligent answers already, I'd forgot what genius we have on AB.

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OG the only reason things burn up on re entry is because they are going at many thousands of MPH and using the atmosphere as a brake. That's why I suggested slowing down outside the atmosphere. Geddit? This is just a thought experiment posted in science, designed to induce discussion and thought if that is beyond you then go and play somewhere else.

Aren't you a little bit old to get the hump because the answers you are receiving to your bizarre 'science' question are insufficiently pleasing to your big-brain?

Whilst Felix Baumgartner gets all the attention, this chap did it better and further;

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I just don't understand why people have to post ridiculous rowlocks on what is meant to be a valid discussion post in science. Yes there have been some high freefall jumps, how are they relevant to this post?

Possibly because they are the closest comparable examples of humans falling to earth from great distances that your 'thought-experiment' allows.


TTT, given your penchant for posting ridiculous rowlocks on a daily basis you're in no position to complain when other people's posts don't meet with you approval.


i don't think it would be possible to freefall from the ISS.

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Oh great I can't ask a sensible question in science now! once again a thread derailed by those without the capacity for analytical thought!

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Let's hope ClareTgold looks in, not been on for a month.

Well, in reply to your sensible question, I'll give my considered answer ....No.

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Naomi: "TTT, given your penchant for posting ridiculous rowlocks on a daily basis you're in no position to complain when other people's posts don't meet with you approval." - examples please, all I do is a bit of rhymming slang that is well known and obvious.

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10:24 can you elaborate....

Wouldn't your big brain be more at home on a proper science-based website?

Although proper scientists may find your 'thought experiments' redolent of teenage-boys Si-Fi fantasies  and somewhat sniggersome.

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No wonder this site is sufferring. No one seems capable of rational thought.

I'd have thought that the problem is how big a booster and fuel container would be needed? To reduce 17500 mph to zero might need so much energy that the combined weight of person+booster+ fuel would be so much that there wouldn't be enough time before they hit the atmosphere.

Question Author

10:29 yes that was my worry, it may not be necessary to get the speed down to zero but it would have to be in the 100s of MPH. Proabably not feasible.

I spent years at the coal-face answering similar sorts of questions from my son when he was growing up.

Although, thankfully, he was less petulant than you if my answers were deemed insufficent.

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