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another blooming quiz.

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criccieth | 20:18 Sun 20th Apr 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Have spent all day on this and as I am going away at the week end could do with some help.
No.37. ...Trainee Law is complicated....cant make an anagram .
64....but in Amsterdam.....
73...the colour of the body...
78. At the plant...
82. The vicar to treat........... have got primrose as last word. Could you give me some clues getting desperate.


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It would certainly help if you gave the name of the quiz. the letters that make up the answer and any letters that you already have towards solving it, also the full clue.
I suggest that you acquaint yourself with the general rules that apply to posting questions on the answerbank.
Too soon to panic on this one. Still almost SIX WEEKS to go. Why are you getting desperate?
There is an anagram of TRAINEELAWIS it contains both a plant and a kind of street.

73 Could it be just the straightforward answer as to what the colour of a caucasian body ? that would give you a common flower.
baitress - criccieth did put the name of the quiz : another blooming quiz.

37) think of a tv show desperate being the clue. then do the anagram.

64) what nationality people live in amstredam?

73) of the body is what? also a nickname given to someone imperial. (that's the first word).

78) google Burmese knife.

82) Vicar of Wakefield
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I know I have six weeks to go but am not going to be at home much of that time and will not have the quiz with me and would really like to finish it.!
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Baitress. Thanks for your comments but was sure I had included which quiz I was asking info for - but in case you dont know its Another Blooming Quiz. Criccieth
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Thanks for your help I was sure I had posted which Quiz thanks for telling baitress so! Also will work on the clues you have given to me - I am grateful. Criccieth
no problem - and good luck!

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another blooming quiz.

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