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Works quiz ditloids

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granny grump | 22:31 Thu 24th May 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Off work at the moment and have just had frantic call from work for help with the following Ditloids

52 S o A
32 S P i F
4 Ta H A

as always all help gratefully received

Johnalex has suggested an answer for the 2nd question but neither of us were completely satisfied. With Ditloids you always know when you get it right don't you?



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52 states of America?
Question Author
Thank you lindapinda - I have just stoppped hitting my head against the wall - one down 2 to go
Wish I hadn't seen your question though! I'll be spending the rest of the night banging my own head too lol !!
4 Terminals at Heathrow Airport.
32 looks like freezing point in fahrenheit. Is the first S right?
Question Author
Thank you Spotty Dog that's brilliant. I think that you might be right vespa99. I took the message over the phone and I might have misheard Ill check.

Sorry lindapinda I hope that your head gets better!

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Works quiz ditloids

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