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puzzlit | 09:05 Sat 24th Mar 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
How about a little help towards no. 65 and no. 67 please


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65. Is an anagram of 2 most obvious words.
67. Not got yet
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thanks jenniferd . I missed that anagram. Have ideas about 67 but not totally happy. Still working on 26. Good luck
jenniferd (long time no hear) There's more than an anagram here! Look for a "hidden" word! (ie "inside")

Clue 65.
again ... a very clever clue and 'dual ways to get to the answer ....

�Collection of Scotsmen� ..... you are looking for a scottish word meaning a 'Collection of small items (much used by the Bard - and I don't mean Shakespeare)

On the one hand - the answer is an anagram of two words in the clue .... (but, I think this is co-incidental for I see no word that 'indicates' an anagram)

On the other hand - the answer is a word that is 'running' in the clue (note the word �nside�)

Clue 67.
On the one hand this is a straight forward clue (the first two words of the clue) ---- BUT, the the two-worded answer surprisingly (at least to me) is a 'phrase' used in the world of horse-racing to mean �number of horses� that are gathered together for daily exercises, eg on the gallops
(this phrase is in Chambers)

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Thanks for all the help. I got there in the end. Hope you have too

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