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MM Links Game 2007 March [Week 2]

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wickedtongue | 09:46 Sat 10th Mar 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
67 Answers
Good Morning to you all - especially to those waiting in the shrubbery. Will the waiting be worthwhile? We'll soon find out! Do you feel lucky? Do you think you have the measure of wickedtongue? (aka Rob, but you can call me LINK LORD). I am not talking of the odd one or two hits - but three hits and even four! Last week, you began the process of "tuning in", so you should get closer this week, in which I choose the theme "The Race is on". Only the fittest will survive and the road will be long and tiring! Again, no more clues! My second set of four words to have their links predicted should appear below at 9.00am and you are invited to predict the missing links. I shall try to play fair and hit the launch time, but can you really trust anyone with a "wicked tongue"? Once again I have followed the same rules including the rule as crofter on word length. Each of my chosen link words contains at least four letters and at most eight letters. Stray outside this range and you will be wasting one of your attempts! This rule applies to your predictions (not my words to be linked). The competition will officially close on Sunday Evening at 7.00pm when crofter will declare my selected words and then apply the same rules of awarding points that have been applied during February.


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lysander Your amendment has been noted and approved. When scoring, I trace through every entry and track all (legitimate) changes!
Last week there where just over 50 predictions for the "Body Parts". I think we're already beyond that total with one more day to go!

Keep them guesses coming in!
Horse box
Gold medal
Cup cake
Cannock chase
stalking horse
fools gold
cup final
paper chase
Phew! I've just managed to grab a few minutes to myself and get in my entry before closing time....
Trojan horse
Claret cup
Whaddon Chase
Well here goes with my late entry, after our computer died on Friday. Mr Owl has worked wonders in resusitating it just in time.

Horse play
Gold dust
Cup Final
Steeple Chase



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MM Links Game 2007 March [Week 2]

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