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Dereks Easy Peasy Quiz For Unhcr Uk

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vonjon | 19:51 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

1. where in the world do the buses to San Jose leave from the junction of Avenida 10 and Calle 5?

2. who failed to shoot the former head of Leningrad KGB?

3. where will every beat of her heart be? (from old songs my mother sang?

4. which prime minister originally entered parliament with a liberal as one of two MP's for Leicester?

thanks for any help



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3 With every beat of my heart
I keep getting closer to you
With every beat of my heart now
I know we're getting closer
To love with every beat

4 Ramsey Macdonald.

1. ? Costa Rica

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thanks elliemay1 but the lyric will say "her" heart not "my"

i have searched a lot of songs but cannot find "her" heart

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Dereks Easy Peasy Quiz For Unhcr Uk

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