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Gran7 | 10:17 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

9. Stumbling, regain leg and fuzz (6,3)

25. Left, right and south, separated by four ducks (7)

44 tremolo endlessly reverberating (6)



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44 Merlot, another anagram - of 'tremolo' without the last letter, endlessly.
10:20 Mon 09th Sep 2024

9 Ginger Ale, anagram


44 Merlot, another anagram - of 'tremolo' without the last letter, endlessly.

25 Oloroso, sherry (I think). OOOO, four ducks, with L, left, R, right and S, south inside.

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Thankyou I didn't know o was a duck so very helpful for the future

Glad I could help, Gran7. The Duck/O is in Chambers dictionary and crops up in crosswords fairly often.

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