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The K M Links Game - September 2024 Week 2 Results

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seekeerz | 02:52 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers

Good morning everyone - it's quite calm out there today, sunny, some cloud but no rain, and almost no wind - funny thing, the forecast says the opposite !!
I'd call the links unusual too -

Needle Cord

Skin Flint

Rag Trade

Bread Winner

And the Bonus Points went to HARAS2 for Needle Cord for a total of 5 points and weecalf picked up three for two correct matches.

The Leaderboard so far

8 points - haras2

4 points - jobjockey

3 points - Patsy33 and weecalf 

2 points - elliemay1, Mozz71 and teacher1

1 point - 19 players 

So Congratulations to all the lucky points scorers this week, and there's still three more rounds to add to your tallies or even begin me 😢

Till next week stay safe and take care, Cheers Steff 😘😘




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Thanks Seekeerz !

Feeling a bit dizzy up here  😄😄

Nowt for me, thats ok I've already left the smellies behind me.

Well done to the point scorers.

Thank you SeekeerzXx

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The K M Links Game - September 2024 Week 2 Results

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