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Derek’s E P Quiz (Where In The World). Cd 14 Th Oct.

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Maisie Doats | 15:46 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers

In what town or city in the world would you find these ?

10. Does Avienda los Robles cross the river and become Avienda Alemania?  
20. Does Broadway Street lead to Providece ?
22. Is the British osuate on Largo F Maurricio ?
Any help appreciated  




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10 Costa Rica

22 Malaga

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Thank you bookbinder. 
I can see I made a typo on Q. 22   It should have said "Consulate". Is your answer still the same ?

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Derek’s E P Quiz (Where In The World). Cd 14 Th Oct.

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