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Liz’s Quizzes (54) 26/10/24

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grumpy01 | 11:37 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Some help with these rhyming answer groups please.

(8) Having great diversity (9)

Nap (4)

(13)Can be spurred,fringed or closed(7)

South Atlantic island (9)

(15)Indifferent support on the sports field (4,4)

Balsam poplar (10)

Think last two are Half Back and Hackmatack 



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13 Gentian/ Ascension


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Thanks JJ109.I spotted Ascencion had 9 letters but was completely lost on finding anything to rhyme with it.

You're welcome, Grumpy!

8 versatile / pile

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It's easy when you see them,thanks MallyH

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Liz’s Quizzes (54) 26/10/24

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