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Fao - The K M Players

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seekeerz | 23:54 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Apologies, folks, my phone is on the blink again - if anyone is able to provide the shaded clues it would be much appreciated....thanks. 🐨



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needleskinragbread ?
00:19 Sat 07th Sep 2024

Hi Steff , and everyone looking in, good evening all. Just back from the local.  The clues are as follows:

13a. Any one of various sharps with which to administer IV therapy, align with Earth’s magnetic field, darn, embroider, etch, knit, phlebotomise, play a record, puncture acupoints, suture, tattoo or vaccinate (6)

14a. Cutaneous layer forming one’s birthday suit and likened to a drumhead, orange peel, layer on hot custard/milk, a potato’s jacket, rolling paper or sausage casing (4)

34a. A farthing; a herd of colts; a pithy part of an orange or lemon; a prank; a scrap of cloth one figuratively loses when blowing one’s top; or, something contemptuously compared to such a tatter, such as a tabloid (3)

36a. Crumb, loaf, piece or rooty that, with “butter”, is synonymous with one’s crust/livelihood, sustenance, the everyday or ordinary, a tartine or a “Collins” letter thanking a host (5)





bread ?

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Many thanks, twix, for coming to the rescue 😘

Well done, Sam, they look good to me ☺️

Thanks twix, morning seekz

Hope this finds you well  ; ))

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Thanks, Sam, I'm fine and you ? 

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Fao - The K M Players

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