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Lake District

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tatty1 | 15:00 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

answers relate to the English Lake District (only just in these 2 questions)

21. If you played FURNESS as the opening word ina game od scrabble, what is the maximum score you could achieve?

30. Which world famous golfer lives in Windermere? (Thats Windermere, Florida, not the UK)


For Staveley opera Society, closing date 16 sept, thanks in advance




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What golfers live in Windermere FL? Mark O'Meara, Stuart Appleby, Robert Allenby, Charles Howell III, Lee Janzen and Paula Creamer are professional golfers who currently reside in Windermere, FL

Iwould go with Mark O'Meara

On second thoughtsI wouldn't!

Today, O'Meara resides in Southern Highlands, Nevada (according to wiki!)

In the past Tiger Woods also lived there

The renowned golfer has traded an impressive real estate portfolio over the years. His first notable acquisition was an 8,000-square-foot Spanish-style home in Windermere, Florida, back in 1996. 


21   78 is the score for scrabble.

78 is the most peaks sumitted in 24 hours.

don't know if this is what you need.

21) 0 - not a valid word in Scrabble dictionary ??

I don't know how you could get 78 as the opening word for Scrabble, unless I've been playing it wrong all these years.

F=4, all the rest are 1.  Put the F on the double square for 8 and the letters total 14, but the opening word always falls on the double word score so it is 28.

Isn't there a 50 point bonus for using all 7 tiles ?

Yes plus fifty bonus for a seven letter word.

DOH! Course there is. 😳

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Lake District

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