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Fao - The K M Players

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seekeerz | 00:19 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

16a An originally corded device named for its resemblance to a long tailed rodent (5)

33a A spring in one step over a scotch, a twig or prior to a skip and jump (3)

24d Scots for an elderly lady, a woman who keeps an ale house, slang for a departure or from prosperity, a word meaning fortunate or charmed (5)

46d Based on 'biter, a darkling, firefly, ladybird, longhorn, scarab etc (6)




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00:23 Sat 31st Aug 2024





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Well done, haras, I'm still trying to work out what the clues meant 🤔

At this time of night on a Friday, Seekeerz, things are a bit vague !😆

Question Author

Same goes for me on a Saturday morning, I've just been out trying to find my newspaper ....who knows where they left it 🤪🧐

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Fao - The K M Players

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