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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 3

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seekeerz | 04:12 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
41 Answers

Good morning everyone - well, as expected the rain has returned, bringing with it some strong gales and a thunderstorm and today, it's just raining ☔️🤔🥺 Actually I'm not's a good day to be indoors, with the 🔥 and my puzzles 🧩 

Todays links are -





As always everyone is very welcome to join in - just be sure to post your entry before midnight Sunday and after posting please check back to see your entry does appear.

As I said, it's not a day to be outside, so the furries and I taking it easy and trying to figure out a way out of the Club rooms ....I'm totally off hobnobs !!
Good Luck to Us All .....




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Look around

Greasy spoon

Waste paper
Cold cream

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The K M Links Game - August 2024 Week 3

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