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Answer Starts With Letter P, Could Be Cryptic,Anagram Etc

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1cook2 | 13:58 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

Help needed please.


Headless,tailless horse,phosphorus and Ladd are disorderly.

Thanks in advance





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do you know how many letters?



 P Alan (e)quin(e) = Palanquin

P= symbol for phosphorous

Alan = Ladd

Equine = horse

Is there a theme? 
Is that the complete question? Including any punctuation?

Well done Jo

Question Author

Don't know how many letters .

Yes all punctuation marks included.

Theme is the letter P

Straight, cryptic,anagram clues all answers begin letter P.

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Pommel horse?

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Answer Starts With Letter P, Could Be Cryptic,Anagram Etc

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