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Waffle Game - 14/08

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seekeerz | 23:25 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
23 Answers

It's Wednesday....I'll be back later 🐨😘



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#waffle936 5/5


Enjoy your day out Seekz 😉

Question Author

#waffle936 4/5


🔥 streak: 23
🏆 #waffleelite

I'm back ....

So I've noticed, and how was your day?

#waffle936 4/5








🔥 streak: 60

🥇 #wafflegoldteam

#waffle936 3/5








🔥 streak: 3

#waffle936 3/5








🔥 streak: 49

🥈 #wafflesilverteam

Question Author

Great, thanks 1ozzy.....until I tried the Waffle .....then it went 🍐shaped 😢

#waffle936 4/5


🔥 streak: 9

Such is life Seekz😉

Bless yee Seekeerz I once heard a rumor from a very wise man that five stars are better than four...

I know go figure it's true.😲

Was that pear or avocado Seekz, asking for a friend who doesn't give a rats😏

#waffle936 5/5


🔥 streak: 146
🌟 #wafflecenturion

#waffle936 5/5


🔥 streak: 250
🦿 #wafflelegend

Question Author

🥑....that's an avocado !!

Seekeerz, don't confuse mi' ol love spud he thinks like an Austrailian.

Yep I did use the word thinks and Austrailian in the same sentence 😍

Question Author

Watch it, Arky ....I'm one too, or didn't you know 🤪

I did actually think you were a New Zeelander... but it explains a lot Xx

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Was that because you saw me doing the Haka, when I didn't get 5 stars at Waffle ??

Nope maybe because you avatar were a kiwi... once before. I could be wrong mind?

Question Author

Spec savers for you, mate .....that ain't no bird !!

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Waffle Game - 14/08

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