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Strands 10 Th Aug

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barry1010 | 06:48 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Strands #160

“Not just for poking”



Didn't understand why some of the words are connected to the theme 



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Strands #160
“Not just for poking”

They are all types of the pangram - not to do with poking as such, although the pangram itself can poke

^^spangram not pangram

Strands #160

“Not just for poking”



Maybe it's an American thing Barry

Strands #160

“Not just for poking”



Strands #160
“Not just for poking”

Strands #160

“Not just for poking”



Strands #160
“Not just for poking”
Most puzzling one for me yet.

Strands #160

“Not just for poking”




Strands #160
“Not just for poking”

Was lucky to find the spangram first. After that I solved it quickly. I found it the easiest yet 

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Strands 10 Th Aug

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