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Yorkshire Air Ambulance Liquid Refreshment (Closes 05/09/24 )

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galasalmon | 18:05 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

Help please 

12/ Zero scope equal tennis score 

18/ Eye drop mother back end .

24/ Take cargo  by road laps up 

25/ Coal conversion first black burning rock first 

31/ Please insert many ,many starters.

Thank you .



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18 Tia Maria..tear ma rear

31 P i m m s

12 Orange juice..o range deuce 

24 Horlicks...haul, licks

25 Coca cola...coke, A, coal, A

Can anyone help with number 8. please?

Leads guidelines inside notes. (No letter count)

Thank you in anticipation.

Gin - initial letters

Thank you Toorak. I was miles away in my thinking. The word LEADS should have made me realise that I should have looked at the initial letters. Thanks again.

Is4)Plus seventeenth circle vehicle   Advocaat? ADD/?/O/car?        Not sure what the seventeenth means.Anyone know please?                                                  

Captain posted this previously:

Plus = ADD

Circle = O

Vehicle = CAR

so just went for it!!

As 'V' is 5 on from 'Q' perhaps the setter miscounted  their fingers.

Elliemay1  =appears you did the same as me and wondered if someone had counted wrongly.Thanks for your reply Advocaat it is.

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Yorkshire Air Ambulance Liquid Refreshment (Closes 05/09/24 )

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