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Craven Schools Picture Quiz - Games - Board And Card Games C/D 15 Sept

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granny grump | 20:10 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Last 2 please can you help?


1.Whisk with a W crossed out. I thought risk but the  word would be hisk?

13. 9 open eyes and 9 eyelashes or closed eyes - (tiddlywinks ?)




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I think you might be right granny grump.if 1. is a picture of a whisk, but the "W" is crossed out as being wrong, it could be replaced with an "R" making Risk. (as a sound alike).Seems likely for 13 too.
20:53 Wed 07th Aug 2024

I think you might be right granny grump.

if 1. is a picture of a whisk, but the "W" is crossed out as being wrong, it could be replaced with an "R" making Risk. (as a sound alike).

Seems likely for 13 too.

1 - Blockhead?

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Thank you TheWinner. Sorry Foxes123 I don't understand your answer

Bit obscure, perhaps, but for 1 there is a board game called Eat. So whisk = beat, without its first letter. Just a thought!

1 - Hi. I thought as the first letter was crossed out - block the head?

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Thank you Foxes123

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Craven Schools Picture Quiz - Games - Board And Card Games C/D 15 Sept

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