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joycebrown | 15:29 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Last two sets of rhyming clues but I havnt any answers to rhyme 3a.died on 17 may 1947(3.7)

3b.wager about danger for a joint(7)

18a gesture of elation (4.4)

18b famous name in the history of India (5)

All help greatly appreciated 👍 



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18b Clive

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The last question famous name in history of India is 5 letters

18 High five/ Robert Clive

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Thank you very much but the India question only has 5 letters

3 Sea Biscuit/ Brisket.

Just the surname for the India answer.

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Thank you to everyone for all the help

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