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Yorkshire Air Ambulance . Liquid Refreshment

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Tamla | 15:21 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
20 Answers

Answers as near as possible to their sound.    No number of letters given.

2.  S'useful and convenient.         3.   Fake uncomfortable sensation.       4.   Plus seventeenth circle vehicle.       7.   Skin overgrowth vocal hesitation.     I have water for this??       18.   Eye drop mother back end.    I thought of Tia Maria.         24.  Take cargo by road laps up.     28.   Culinary favouring Mr Pacino make fun of .   Can only think of Allspice!!  38.  Named product to question.    Could it  be Brandy?     I don't drink so don't know much about names so any help would be greatly appreciated



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28 herbal teas? (sounds like tease)

2 shandy

3 champagne

3 Sham-pain Champagne

4 Advocatt

18 Yes, Tia Maria, sounds like 'tear ma rear'

28.  Cappucino (rhymes with Al Pacino)

24 Horlicks, sounds like haul licks

Captain how did you get Advocatt ,i was try ing to work q into answer lol x

elliemay1's answer for 28  seems more likely.

Sorry Mally got called to the door. 😊

Yes, I puzzled after posting. I'd got

Plus = ADD

Circle = O

Vehicle = CAR

so just went for it!!

As 'V' is 5 on from 'Q' perhaps the setter miscounted  their fingers. 😁

thanks x

7. Water - wart-er

38.  Pop (as in 'pop the question?')

38 brandy sounds good brand = product y = why

Any other ideas for No.4?

What was the answer to No.17 please?

ellemay1, I agree with Captain2 for question 4.

its pronounced Ad-vo-car (see 15.50 for explanation)

we're all making typos, above should read elliemay1, and Captain2 =  Advocaat.

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Thanks very much  to you all for your help.   Greatly appreciated.    

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Yorkshire Air Ambulance . Liquid Refreshment

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