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Local Cryptic Quiz

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Headwig1091 | 15:27 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers

Answer are people

1, Very outspoken woodworker. (5, 7)

2, Cruise ship sailing behind the rest. (3,4)

3, Two very different retail outlets make up my name. (7,8)



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Frank howarth?
17:27 Wed 31st Jul 2024

1 Karen Carpenter

^^if 5,9

2 Willem Defoe plays Tom Wake in The Lighthouse if  fictional people allowed

Question Author

Not sure about fictional people, all the other answers have been real people.

Thanks for your answer.

Good answer though.

Doubt it's Karen carpenter.

2 will start with Tom

1 will be a Frank

1 Frank somebody??

Frank howarth?

There was a journalist and travel writer called Frank Carpenter, but the question indicates a seven letter surname.

^ just to confirm newmodarmy's answer

Question Author

Thanks for all your answers, much appreciated.

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Local Cryptic Quiz

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