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The K M Links Game - July 2024 Week 4 And Final Results

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seekeerz | 02:37 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

Good morning everyone - it has the makings of another lovely day out there today - very nippy night and very cold early on, but it's warming up and hopefully I'll get out in the garden this afternoon 😏

pretty quiet on the links front yet again -

Pass Port

Kitchen Dresser

Coffee Breaks

Queen Consort

No Bonus points and we missed Kitchen Dresser completely so scoring was rather subdued.....pity 🙀

I'll go do some typing and be back shortly ....



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Question Author

The final Leaderboard for July

9 points - modeste 👑

7 points - JJ109

5 points - Joolz

4 points - seekeerz 

3 points - Buenchico, hazlinny, jobjockey, Reenie, tearinghair, & twix123

2 points - cashier, Doof45, Lady Jo, MargoTester, Sam1960 & SharonA.

1 point - Arksided, Candice Marie, Chiefpanda, Fibonacci, Mrs Glarus, jollyroger66, karamia, Lysander, mallyh, Mozz71, Muzz, Patsy33, roslyn251254, sadielady, teacher1 & weecalf.

Congratulations to all the points scorers this month, especially MODESTE who lead the competition almost from the outset, in a round that was rather to score points at all ....I fear the hobnobs will take a bit of a battering !!
A new month starts next weekend so till then stay safe and take care Cheers Steff 😘😘


Ruddy 'eck! 

I must be dreaming!

Well done, Modeste!

Thanks, Steff!

Thank you, skz. I'm very happy with my 3 points  particularly as my head has been all over the place because my cat was missing. Now found, thanks to the wonderful Cats Protection.


Question Author

Ok fast change of results!!!
Kitchen Cabinet ....WICKEDTONGUE, CASHIER, FIBONACCI , TWIX123, apologies, please add an extra point to your score for now, and I'll redo the final. Leader Board a bit later 

Question Author

Apologies folks, the rejigged Leaderboard

9 points - modeste

7 points - JJ109

6 points - twix123

5 points - Joolz

4 points - seekeerz 

3 points - cashier, hazlinny, jobjockey, Reenie, & tearinghair.

2 points - Doof45, Fibonacci, Lady Jo, MargoTester, Sam1960 & SharonA.

1 point - Arksided, Candice Marie, Chiefpanda, Mrs Glarus, jollyroger66, karamia, Lysander, mallyh, Mozz71, Muzz, Patsy33, roslyn251254, sadielady, teacher1, wickedtongue, & weecalf.

there, that looks better, Congratulations again and sorry for the mini hiccup 🐨

To achieve 3 points makes a change for me - thanks Steff  x😊

Well done the others ✔

Hello who's that in the back of the clubhouse, it's a bit empty at the moment. Well done to all escapees, I mean point scorers,, send hobnobs 

Even amended I'm still there with my one point... Lucky escape at the last. At least i'm in good company 😉

Well done modeste on winning the month and to all fellow point scorers.

Thank you SeekeerzXx Space weevil will come up one of these days... I'm sure of it.

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The K M Links Game - July 2024 Week 4 And Final Results

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