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Asbestos Action C/D Sept

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bibster | 09:16 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

all answers are connected to the olympics

3 In trouble for this

4Sufjan Stevens

13 Breaking

Thanks for any help.



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4 Javelin
09:26 Tue 23rd Jul 2024

Do we get letter counts?

Is 'Sufjan' correct?

4 Javelin

3 High Jump

Question Author

Thank you jj109

Seen 13 as Records

any clue for 11 38degree 9'N 23Degree 57'E


Those coordinates look like Athens

^^ very close to Athens

Thank you


Those cordinates are just outside Athens - Marathon is 26 miles from Athens. Marathon's coordinates are 38.1533° N, 23.9620 E

ie 38degrees 9 minutes North and

23 degrees 57 minutes East

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Asbestos Action C/D Sept

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