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Rotary Club: Asia And The Antipodes C/D 1St August

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Bobbysgirl48 | 15:39 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers

37 Site of biblical rivers and horticultural attractions 7 letters.

39 Mountains of colour, also distant 5 letters

42 Deep lacquer finish  5 letters

46 The best steel for a sword (once)  8 letters

47 Two endless causes found in these mountains  8 letters

49 Far from Hampshire or Oxford 12 letters.



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37  Babylon?

Question Author

Thank you barry1010

39 Urals

42 Japan

47 Caucasus

49 Christchurch

46 Damascus

Question Author

Thank you Romanski.

37) Remove the Bishop and send it down under (7)

Question Author

I have put Auckland but I realise it is 8 letters!!!

37 there's a (Bishops ) Waltham in in New Zealand

thanks for the suggestions

14. In a way this brief biography is hot! (4)

Thank you

31. I don't think you will find a Marks ans Spencers here (9)


Question Author

14 Gobi and 31 Samarkand are what I have!!!

Thank you Bobbysgirl48


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Rotary Club: Asia And The Antipodes C/D 1St August

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