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Haddiscoe Church Quiz C/D31 July Toys Games And Pastimes

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granny grump | 22:40 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers

Please can you help with the following?

18. Keep fit exponents also use these (8 4)

21. Title of a famous painting (7)

24. Could be commercial or made in a kitchen (9)

25. Once edible Gless (8)

27. The first mentioned in the bible (5 3)

36.Sounds like a plant aid (8 5)

45. Paperless literature  (3 4)

46. Sound like an experiment in motion (8)

50. Originates from Peter Pan (5 5)



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so it should have read Glees, and not gless.  makes more sense now.
21:20 Wed 17th Jul 2024

36. climbing frame ?

50 Is Wendy House a toy?

18 Skipping rope?

GG, is "Gless" correct?

45. rag book???

24 playdough?

46. seen as tricycle

21   Seen as Bubbles

same question as scorpiojo at 23.08

GG, is "Gless" correct?

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Thank you all for your help.Yes scorpiojo and TheWinner  it is Glees on the quiz sheet

25 skittles  

the modern eqivalent of glees sweets is skittles^^^^^^^

so it should have read Glees, and not gless.  makes more sense now.

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Haddiscoe Church Quiz C/D31 July Toys Games And Pastimes

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