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Two Very Different Retail Outlets Make Up My Name

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Gran7 | 13:14 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Struggling with two questions from local quiz. Answer is a persons name 

25. two very different retail outlets make up my name

26. cruise ship sailing behind the rest

welcome any help with these




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25.  Clinton Morrison (footballer)
13:26 Tue 16th Jul 2024
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Sorry didn't give number letters 

25 (7,8)

26. (3,4)


What are the other answers like, are they famous names? 

25.  Clinton Morrison (footballer)

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Thankyou teacher 1, any ideas for q26 cruise ship sailing behind the rest?

I think it might be .... Tom ????

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Think your right Teacher1 about Tom but struggling with only 4 letter for last name. If it was 5 Tom Stern would fit 🤣

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Two Very Different Retail Outlets Make Up My Name

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