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Pendleside Film Dingbats Closing Date 7/9/24

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hops | 15:03 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

no.43   Damn Do


no.50    GPKIN


I received a copy of these dingbats a week yesterday and am stuck on the final two as detailed above, ellie thought no.43 might be ODD MAN OUT  although i can see where she gets odd man from i can,t see where the out comes in, even though it may be a dingbat indicator and usually the dingbats are read from left to right and finally no. 50 as flummoxed me altogether, i have been round race, family etc for kin but i now think the answer is something else

the answers are both film titles as they all have been and any help would be appreciated



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^ as I previously said, 'out' is an anagram indicator
15:14 Mon 08th Jul 2024

43 I suggested 'Odd Man Out'

Sorry, I didn't scroll!!

^ as I previously said, 'out' is an anagram indicator

50.  Kingpin? 

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hello, again, jellybean, king with p in, not a bad shout, i am just wondering why the dingbat is not KIPNG though if you are right, i have met myself coming backwards on this one


Why would the answerer be incorrect?

Family Doctor?

Question Author

he wouldn't, i read it wrong

Those answers seem sensible but can't figure out what to price  to ask about others in this quiz...... for example no. 51 VIOLET above the word SPUD.  Hot potato fits but the colour violet is a warm colour not a hot colour.  Anyone any ideas please?

PRESS - not price

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Pendleside Film Dingbats Closing Date 7/9/24

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