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What Am I? Riddles

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pdm1 | 18:51 Tue 25th Apr 2023 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
Any thoughts on the following “What am I?” riddles would be appreciated:

1. I can be the strongest and purest, and you need to think very hard to know who I am.
2. I get lost when you stop believing. I can be broken yet remain whole.
3. My name is short with only 3 letters, but it is what I am and I am what I do.
4. I could be a landlord but have to watch where I land or I could end up behind bars.
5. I have my own but often leave them behind

Thanks for any suggestions.


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5 footsteps?
2 Heart ?
3 Eye?
5.?? fingerprints
4 licensee?
3 Mum?
1. Diamond? A bit weak I think
4. Monopoly player?
prefer blaris for 4.
2. Faith.
Question Author
Thanks for all suggestions - some good ones here. Any further ideas for No. 1 would be appreciated.
Are they all clues to the same thing, or 5 different riddles?
1. Concentrate
Great answer for No.1, barry!
Thank you, Ellie. I stupidly thought all the clues led to a single answer
Готино като това.
Yes, excellent thinking, Barry. :-)

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What Am I? Riddles

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