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Has Anyone Found The Postie?

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robsmom | 17:34 Sat 04th Mar 2023 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Has anyone found the postie in March Compers News?
Thanks in advance.


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I’m struggling with him this month too!
Have you found him yet - I’m at my wits end looking!
Just found this on line - I trust it's authentic.


Apologies, but due to a technical error Postie doesn't appear in the March issue. He IS there - unfortunately though, his picture ended up underneath the photo where he was hiding rather than overlaid on top of it when the magazine was printed so you can't actually see him!

Postie is always one of the first things we check every month and he’s there in the proofs - he simply got lost in the final printing and production process this time around.

In the circumstances, the March 'Spot the Postie' competition is VOID and EVERYONE who enters at least one of the Prize Puzzles in the March issue (either by post or online) will automatically go into a draw for this month's 'Spot the Postie' prize.

In addition, we'll be giving away an additional 'Spot the Postie' prize in next month's issue to make up for the error.

Sorry again.
Oh dear, sorry guys - just found that ^^^^ information is well out of date.
Apologies again.
Thank you so much Captain 2 - I can put away the magnifying glasses now!!!
Tollview, did you see Captain's post @ 17.01 yesterday?

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Has Anyone Found The Postie?

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