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Rainbow Quiz Watch The Birdie

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puzzlit | 12:56 Mon 15th Mar 2021 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
I would appreciate hints for these please
42, Pacific flier is rolled up and bound with string. 8,4
52, Fierce dinosaurs replaced one. 7
71. Coveted host. (to disturb the commonplace people. 7,3,8
89. Birds spotted in big firs disturbed a long time after. 10

I must be thick as others must have solved them!!


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52 anagram of a type of dinosaur sits on pirates shoulder
13:04 Mon 15th Mar 2021
52 anagram of a type of dinosaur sits on pirates shoulder
89 can see an anagram of BIGFIRS plus 3 letters but cant see where the 3 letter's are from?
There are several hints for these on various posts. Scroll down through a few pages o try using the search facility and search using rainbow quiz or watch the birdie.
71 This is an idiom
Coveted host is an anagram for the last two words
(the 8 letters word is correct but I always added another e making 9 letters - both the 8 letter version and the 9 letter version are in the dictionary!)
The first word having a "?" is to place a bet!
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Thanks mallyh. I was not thinking of "one" in the right way
89 letters used for very large clothes ie s(small) m(medium) firs and a long time anagram them together
52 + those fierce dinosaurs use the same word for birds of prey such as eagles and hawks! I do not understand "replaced one"!
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Thank you jj109. I have never heard that expression. I lead a very sheltered life!!
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jj109 See question "one"
jj109 - have you got the answer to question 1? I was taken in by that as 'one' is a word in itself. If it had said 'seven', I would have realized that it referred to question 7 as it often happens that one clue refers to another question/answer.
Thankyou both - yes I do have the answer to number 1. Therefore the answer to number 52 is the same word as the dinosaurs!
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Thanks mallyh for no. 89. Not sure I would have got that without help. Well done.

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Rainbow Quiz Watch The Birdie

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