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Charity Christmas Puzzle 2020-

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Matakari | 16:55 Wed 16th Dec 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

Good evening, Neveracrossword, had great fun with the Charity Christmas Puzzle 2020.
Got the theme very early in the game, so I have the beginning letter of each word. One
question, does the theme have any other significance apart from revealing the starting
letters of each word?
Now, I am stuck on the following and am seeking confirmation/hints ( No answers ), please!
Thanks in advance!

13… of F, B and C. …
( B ) L - -DIS - - - - - ( A hint?

19. … programme: from ‘Carmen’ (‘Toreador’) …
( A ) ????END??? (EASTENDERS) ( B ) ??TOR???? (MOTORCADE )

24… ‘The Witch’s Curse’ by G&S, which is considered an acceptable alternative to opera works. The …
( C ) ???IPU????? (MANIPULABLE)
31… the recurrence of the notes adhering to ‘The Rite of Spring’’s. …
( B ) M - RAL - - - - - ( MORALITIES )
33.‘West Side Story’ genre …
( C ) W - - DUN - - - - ( WHODUNNITS )
34. … with undue speed measured by Henry Wood …
( B ) I – DUC - - - - - ( A hint?


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24. The 'with undue speed' can be ignored, it's covered by the firts entry.
The letters you've shown are simply part of a scientific term, word, for Measured by Henry. (The Wood refers to the third entry on the line).

PS The setter encourages solvers to send inunfinished quiz sheets. The setter also awards prizes for correct/most correct entries. Do you plan to send yours off? (I'm curious!)
You're doing very well, if these are all you need. I can tell you Eastenders and Whodunnits are correct, so with 6 weeks still to go I suggest you work on the others. Don't panic. Plenty of time.
Question Author
A great hint for 34 ( B ), the wood I got long ago. Any hints for 13(B)?
And are the other answers correct? I plan to send it in with a good donation, but I want to be satisfied with my answers first.

On another matter, have you seen Derek Harrison's "A Christmas List (see instructions) (Anagram)"? Very interesting! I've enjoyed doing it.
Thanks, Matakari. I like moral dilemmas - does someone with 90 answers of their own deserve to win more than someone with 95, where 10 were given on a help site? It's an age-old question, the help/cheating stuff!

I'll have another look at 13 (B), to see what the rest of that row involved. I didn't keep my copy.
Question Author
Here's what 13 (B ) looks like between 12 & 14. This is the one that is puzzling me: L--DIS-----

_ _ RNP _ _ _ _ _ TUP _ _ _ _ _ IAD
12. … an old Welsh clarinet-like instrument playing eight notes in the time of six and a chord of
three notes …

_ _ SEW _ _ _ _ _ L_ _ DIS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NIA _
13. … of F, B and C. …

_ _ CTU _ _ _ _ EIM _ _ _ _ _ UMI _ _ _ _ _ _
14. … A dreamy piece for piano, “Moonlight …

Question Author
Thanks, Spotty Dog, yes there is still a lot of time to mull over this!
I never expect to win this quiz so feel the object of it is to keep your percentage up over the years and if is is not your own work that doesn't work for me
This quiz has only been out 9 days.
Closing 24th January 2021.

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Charity Christmas Puzzle 2020-

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