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Whatever The Weather Cryptic Quiz - In Aid Of Make A Wish.

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flemma | 22:15 Fri 13th Nov 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Hello all, could I please ask for your expert help, I am stuck on a few questions , I just can not get them at all.
All answer will contain a word to do with the weather.
Many thanks in advance.

10. Rattle- incredibly quickly (9.9)
12. My french with shortly be blown away (7)
16. Raunchiest Row results from covering nudity (6.7)
( could this be Global Warming?)
20. Good man takes shelter inside (5)
28. ..........However this sets an alternative for Ernest (



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10: Lightning conductor
12: Monsoon
12 Mon-soon
20: Sleet
20 S-lee-T
20. S lee t
16 shower curtain, anag
28. the sun also rises ?
28 The sun also rises?
Sorry mallyh, hadn't seen yours. Didn't refresh.
Great clue and answer!
Question Author
Thank you so much everyone. Really really helpful. You are all so clever x

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Whatever The Weather Cryptic Quiz - In Aid Of Make A Wish.

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