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EdTodd | 16:21 Fri 27th Sep 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
1) Observing a flying aid
2) Gear plus one is Airbourne
3) Flowing freely
4) Angry letters
5) Misspelt area of water
6) A large piece of wood. Alcoholic drink between 2 letters


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1 plane watching?
1 plane spotting?
4 sorry crosswords
1 sewing wing ?
2 kite flying?
5 polo?
3 Running
3 running
6 logging?
Ed, could you please give details of the Quiz (title, closing date, how to obtain a copy, etc) in line with this Site's guidelines. It's not the first time you have been asked.
6 blogging?
6 planking

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