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Loros "animal" Quiz 2018

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Canis_Lupus | 19:45 Fri 04th Jan 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
All of the answers are or include an animal: Clues may be cryptic, or general knowledge.
(A) "Sounds like a trickster" 7 letters.

(B) "Sounds like damage to a friar" 8 letters.

(C) "Bambi's speaker for this hat" 11 letters

(D) "Barrier pig" 8 letters

I will say thank you for any replies. Cheers Frank.


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c Deerstalker
19:50 Fri 04th Jan 2019
c Deerstalker
B Chipmunk
A cheetah
D hedgehog
D Hedgehog

Thought this quiz had closed?
D Hedgehog
Question Author
Thank you one all. Tilley2 gets best answer because she replied first.

If I could I would give "Best Answer" to you all.

Mamyalynne. Quiz closes on 24th of January hope that it helps you.
Thank you, CL. :-)
Ta, I now see the last time it was asked it was incorrectly titled.

Good luck.

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Loros "animal" Quiz 2018

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