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Goodworth Clatford Christmas Quiz

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kettledrum | 02:04 Thu 24th Nov 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers
Brilliant quiz - set by son of the late lamented Araucaria.
In aid of Parkinsons UK & St Mary's Church.
Closing date 17 January 2017


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Thanks Kettledrum.
Question Author
It should keep you well occupied & amused for quite some time!
Have added a link to the Monthly Round up, so no one will miss it.
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Many thanks Mamya
how much is it?
Question Author
Hello Vic-Lou
I'm not quite sure how much it is. Sorry. I think this will be the 3rd year that I will have done it, having read about it in all the newspaper coverage that followed Araucaria's death. As I send a reasonably generous donation, the setter emailed me directly to ask if wanted to take part again.
But as far as I remember a paper copy was available in the village shop for £1.
If you look at the just giving site you will see how generous the donations are. This isn't an ordinary quiz it is a proper challenge with lots of different sections that you won't see on other quizzes.
thank you sounds like a challenge, I will request one now
I think you simply donate what you wish, does sound a challenge.
I have just received my emailed copy of this quiz from Andy Graham, having donated earlier this morning. It is a real brainteaser! Lots of different aspects to it, which will be a challenge.

Thanks for the information, Kettledrum.
Got mine too Tilly, looks good.
I can't print mine off yet, I'm out of printing ink!
I've made a donation and this includes my own address but wanted to add my sisters address for a copy but couldn't do it. What happens next is the quiz posted out or emailed?
If you've ticked the box to allow your email to be seen then yes you'll get it by email, you could then do a copy for your sister and she can send it in with a donation.
The quiz is sent as soon as your donation is verified, Granny. Then you are at liberty to send it to others,and if you wish, encouraging them to make a donation.
Thank you mammya & Tilly
Enjoy x

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