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Creature Quiz

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quizbrew | 13:14 Mon 19th Sep 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
The following clues are for various creatures. The number of letters in ()’s
Grateful for any suggestions

1. What you do with a bed (4)
2. Asthmatic gilled creature (6,4)
3. Koi inside call for attention (5)
4. A pale yellow-brown greeting (7)
5. Bullseye for Kermit (4,4)



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2. puffer fish
3. okapi
5. bull frog?
4 Buff-alo (hello)
1 Lion
1. Tern?
5 gold frog?
Question Author
Thanks for all the suggestions, much appreciated.
Quizproquo - I'd wondered about Okapi but couldn't see the reason for "ap" had also thought about Tern but reckon that Lion seems a bit more apt.

Thanks again
sounds ike carp in oi

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Creature Quiz

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