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RAF News Crossword 79

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gylly | 21:56 Sat 24th Mar 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
Last one Call Sign for troops under fire needing RAF support in Afghanistan (7) ?r?n?s? TIA


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Is it just 7 letters because I can see that you have TIA after it?
TIA means "thanks in advance"
Silly me!!!!!!!!!! Could it be dryness?
Either that or:

YES, so have a large port. only joking nana : )
You are in a daft mood tonight shooty :-)
Now i know i must be, if you say so. gotta have a bit of fun : )
Are you still up shooty ? I thought you would have been horizontal by now :)
Cheers shooty nice port!!
Not me shaney, i'm a stayer. anyway, I told you earlier i was laying down. All tucked up in bed with my laptop and a nice bottle of German beer. The wife doesn't approve, but that doesn't bother me. Got to that point in life where ive heard enough of womens opinions, so I'll do my own thing from now on I think. what about yourself ? does your partner not mind you being on the web till the lates/early hours ?
good on ya nanna : )
bottoms up : )
No Shooty ..he's fine with me doing things like this .He's away to bed .
He's been through the mill this last year or so healthwise .Won't go into details but he's been a lucky man .We've been married long enough to tolerate each others little foibles :)
Night night pet ..sleep well .
You too shaney. NN : )

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RAF News Crossword 79

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