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Avatar Image Marjessica Question Author Sorry Can't Find My Other Feed But Campus Doesn't Fit. Should It Be Backs???

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marjessica | 15:20 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers


Sorry can't find my other feed but campus doesn't fit. Should it be backs???



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This one? Might be better on there now you've found it.

Odd- I see you'd already posted that comment a few minutes earlier on that thread, where you also said you couldn't find the feed (whatever that meant)

yes, double definition

Bases works at least as well as Banks as a double definition , but in neither case can I see the link to Cam

Now parsed as BACKS on one of the other threads where you've asked this

supports/ backs

area along the river Cam behind Cambridge colleges

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Oh dear Please forgive me. I'm still learning how to do cryptic x

marjessica - we all have to learn, so persevere. There are lots of people on here who are very good at crosswords and are always glad to help someone parse a clue. You'll soon learn to recognise the phrases in a clue thet tell you to look for an anagram/ reverse a word/remove letters etc.

marjessica - incidentally, if you look at the top of the page, next to "Donate", you will see "view your profile". If you click on that you can see a list of all questions you've asked with links to them.

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Avatar Image Marjessica Question Author Sorry Can't Find My Other Feed But Campus Doesn't Fit. Should It Be Backs???

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