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marjessica | 15:09 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

19d Disastrous cut in art is not saying much! (8)

32a Educational talk about rule, etc, that's been broken? (7) is that lecture?

29a Northern child I found in farm building? (5)

Supports college grounds alongside the Cam? (5)


thanks for all your help 

the above are the last ones x



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19 taciturn 

29a ba i rn

19 Taciturn - guess what? 'disastrous'


32 and 29 answered on your other thread.

19. Taciturn

32 lecture is correct 

Question Author

Sorry can't find my other feed but campus doesn't fit. Should it be backs???

'Backs' seems fine but I can't parse 

The Backs is a picturesque area to the east of Queen's Road in the city of Cambridge, England, where several colleges of the University of Cambridge back on to the River Cam with their grounds covering both banks of the river. Wikipedia

Thanks for that Canary

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