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Spec 2671 Help Please With Last 1 And Highlight

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quinol | 13:23 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

28d angles are germans plugging deep ravines (7)


and should I shade the short form of an animal for the last madra? if not a big hint please



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Laggins, angles. Linns, deep ravines,  with A, are,and GG, Germans, inside (plugging).

Yes  to the shading.

Hi, I've not been doing this but just wondered why one of the Ns gets dropped from Linns?

NMA, sorry, that was just a typo- a Lin is the same as a Linn, I'm probably more used to the latter!

Thanks. I could only find Linn (Scottish) but I couldn't see a Lin alternative when I googled Lin- just abbreviation for Linear. I guess Lin will be in Chambers.

Thanks, NMA. Yes, Lin is in Chambers - it has the common 'see Linn', with the definition being under the latter. Oh,and Chambers doesn't specify Scottish.

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Many thanks NAC

^NAC is good isn't she (?). All that coaching from Matakari has clearly helped.

Quinol and NMA, thanks. 

NMA, your 'coaching' comment made me laugh. I've had some great helpers, mentors on AB over the years. The stand-out one, for various reasons, was Mamyalyne( sadly she's no longer with us).

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