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Last Nights Coronation Street Ending

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Jaimsieboy | 15:29 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

What an an ending...all  the actors superb.




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The whole story line has been done very well.

Also, first time I've seen Rowan really act.  His whole demeanour, voice and face changed when he was playing the victim.

Did it come across ok or was it a let down ?

It was excellent, not over the top

Maybe this would get more comments if it wasn't in Crosswords?...

OMG I was in tears, so emotional!

Yes it was excellent but I didnt cry!

It was well done on the whole I had a tear in my eyes at the end. I'm still wondering what the character Kit (Bernie's son, the bent copper) is all about 

Truly heartbreaking. I've lost two good friends to MND. Thought losing one was bad, then another, beyond words!

Cruel and horrible disease!

Hopefully, the recent high profile of it, will prompt long overdue action!

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Last Nights Coronation Street Ending

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